Friday, September 11, 2009

Food Storage Broccoli & Cheese Soup

My Mom stopped by Alpine Bread Company today and brought home several loaves of their wonderful bread, including several round sourdough loaves. We didn't have enough room to get all the bread in the freezer, so I needed to make something using a lot of bread. This is quite easy in our family, the problem is making something to go with the bread. ;) I was flipping through my recipe books trying to find a good soup recipe and came across one for broccoli -cheese soup. I tweeked the recipe just a little so I could use more food storage items. For my family of 9 I had to double the original recipe, but you can always half it to feed fewer people. Here it is:

Broccoli - Cheese Soup

12 cups water
4 cups instant potatoes (I used potato flakes)
4 tablespoons dried onions (I used dehydrated from the cannery)
4 cubes chicken bullion
2 teaspoons dried parsley (I also added a sprinkling of Oregano, Rosemary & Basil)
2 jars/bars (8 oz) Cheese Whiz or Velveeta or 1 cup dried cheese sauce mix + 1/2 cup water,
blended (I used 1 cup of Powered Cheese Sauce added to the water in the cooking pot)
2 cups dried broccoli, reconstituted with 2 cup water (I used 2 cups of freeze dried broccoli)
Salt & Pepper to taste (I didn't use either of these)

In a large pot, heat water until hot. Add the broccoli, then add the potatoes, stirring briskly. Turn heat down to medium and add the onions, bullion, parsley and cheese, mixing well with a wisk. Turn heat down to low and simmer for 20 minutes. Correct consistency with more water and seasonings if necessary. Makes 8 to 12 servings.